Economic Development Opportunities
Wyalkatchem is a small but dynamic community that is seeking to expand the services and retail sectors to align with the expected growth in the central and north eastern Wheatbelt region over the next twenty years and beyond. The Shire's strategies to achieve this alignment include the upgrade of the Wyalkatchem Airport and tourism initiatives
For instance the Airport Upgrade will facilitate aviation training that has regional, state and national significance. The Airport Upgrade will serve as the hub for the expansion of existing business such as Sport Aviation Academy and the establishment of others.
Businesses and Retail Services Required
- A restaurant/cafe. An opportunity exists to complement the current eateries in town including the Wyalkatchem Hotel, the cafe at Wylie News and Gifts and the Wyalkatchem Roadhouse;
- Hardware and general store. This would complement the supermarket in town.
- Tradespeople including a plumber/gasfitter, electrician, carpenter/builder. Not required on a full time basis. However, each of these businesses could be built up to service neighbouring communities.
Each of the above business/retail opportunities could be established on a part time or full time basis. A support package may be available from the local business community and the shire to assist in establishing these business opportunities. This may include the provision of land, other infrastructure such as a commercial shed or relocation expenses.
Investment Opportunities
As outlined above, investment opportunities include the aviation hub at the Wyalkatchem Airport. The provision of additional infrastructure will be for multiple purposes and users and available to others who wish to invest in the aviation businesses or to establish their own aviation business.
Enquiries for business opportunities can be directed to the Secretary of the Business Community Lynsey Gawley on 9681 1500 or