Health Services

Service Name/Info Address Contact
Doctor and Child Health Clinic Larry Elsegood Medical Centre Honour Ave 9681 1140
Hospital Honour Ave 9692 1222
Pharmacy The Happy Pill Pharmacy Railway Tce 9681 1547
HACC-Health and Community Care Provides nursing support, house cleaning, gardening etc. - Phone hospital on  9692 1222 to arrange services
Meal on Wheels - Phone hospital for service 9692 1222
Ambulance St Johns Ambulance Honour Ave 0417 811 007


Wallambin Lodge

Wallambin Lodge is a low care facility, and is part of Wyalkatchem Koorda Health Service. The capacity of the facility is five beds. We provide general nursing care, meals and some daily activities for the residents. We promote independence for the residents and support the activities they prefer, within our capacity.

For information regarding placements and the process involved, please feel free to contact Subin Daniel on 08 9692 1222.