Community Groups

A Guide for Incorporated Associations in Western Australia

Group Day/Time Contact/Info

Monday mornings RSL Hall

Beginners - 9:30 - 11:30am

Advanced - 10:30-11:30am

Bev Ashelford 9681 4090
Coffee Craft Meet every Thursday 9.30-11.30am at St John Ambulance Hall Joy Robinson  9681 1346
Community Mart Pre loved goods open Thursdays and Fridays Pat Jones 9681 1036
Cottage Craft Open Fridays 10-12, Devonshire tea and home made scones Sue Adams 96811461 or Sheryl Wemm 0417 110 777
Men's Shed - Rod Lawson Kerr 0406 944 201  or Murray Pow 0409 681 651
P&C Meets every fourth week of the school term in the staff room Contact school for more information 9692 1500
Playgroup - Cassie Stratford 0427 885 267
Rotary Club - Sheryl Wood 0437 811 088 or Susan Bruse 0429 112 079
Senior Citizens Homes Trust - Barbara Garner 0429 825 061 or June smith 0447 847 417 or Erin Holdsworth 0456 002 253
Senior Leisure Group Tuesday mornings 10.30am at CRC Joan Phillips 0429 811 183 or Lesley Kemp 0427 442 235
St John Ambulance - Steven Petchell 0417 811 007 or Chloe Bell 0448 967 795
Wyalkatchem Arts Group -

Craig cooper 0448 835 421

Sheryl Wemm 0417 110 777

Wyalkatchem CBH Agricultural Museum - David Holdsworth 0427 918 904 or Trevor Webb 0428 354 650
Wyalkatchem Community Care - Shery Wemm 0417 110 777
Wyalkatchem - Koorda Hospital Auxiliary - June Smith 0447 847 417 or Wendy Chapman 0429 811 402
Wheatbelt Warblers Singing group meets in Dowerin Barb Garner 0429 825 069


Group Location/Time Contact
Anglican-Church of St Saviour Cnr Piesse St and Honour Ave Wyalkatchem
Services Sunday at 9.30am-as advertised in Wylie Weekly
Parish secretary and contact person Mrs Georgie Davies 9681 1016 or Ross Crute 0429 681 104
Church of Christ Services every Sunday, for times see the Wylie Weekly Dennis Pease 9681 1132
Roman Catholic Our Lady Help of Christians, East end of Railway Tce
Services Saturdays 6.30pm

Don Eaton 0458 911 010

Christine Cotter - Ward 96881 1380

Containers for Change

36 Flint Street, Wyalkatchem, 6485

Open Tuesday and Saturday mornings or by request.

Contact Dennis Pease on 0429 342 031