Sporting Clubs

Details are subject to change, particularly at the changing of seasons. For enquiries contact 9681 1166


Played during Summer pennants Friday nights, social Sunday afternoons

President Secretary Treasurer
Cassie Stratford 0427 885 267


Played Saturdays from 1.30pm during Summer

Club President Secretary/Treasurer
West Yorkie James Ryan Brady Garner


Played President Men's Captain Ladies Captain
Saturday afternoons and Thursday Paul Trenorden 0428 825 065 Kerran Furniss 0459 957 278 Lyn Jones 9681 5034


Played  President Ladies Captain
Mens and Ladies teams Quentin Davies 0408 346 519  Esther Forbes 9681 2200

The State Government through the Department of Sport and Recreation is a major supporter of all junior sports in Wyalkatchem. Sports and recreation builds stronger, happier and safer communities.

The Wyalkatchem and Districts Community Club can be contacted via Stephen Gamble 0427 815 031 or Tanya Dickson 0407 992 329